
Paperback books – a premium product by C. H. Beck

For your special paperback requirements, we offer different types of binding: polymer dispersion, hotmelt and PUR-glue. C. H. Beck possesses the high-quality technology that paperback production requires.

Cutting-edge Technology in Paperback Production at C. H. Beck

  • We bind using thread-sewn, polymer dispersion, hotmelt or PUR-glue techniques.
  • The gathering lines can fill up to 36 stations
  • This makes C. H. Beck well-equipped for the production of works that are more extensive.
  • Paperbacks are bound up to a textblock thickness of 80mm
  • Spoiling of printed sheets is prevented by immediately storing them.

What can we do for you?

Christian Kirchenbaur is happy to help. Give us a call, write to us, or arrange a call-back.

Christian Kirchenbaur

 Bergerstraße 3-5, 86720 Nördlingen
 +49 9081 85-122
