Authors Support

Providing support for our clients

Producing publications is the fundamental business of publishers. But beyond that lie a number of additional duties to fulfil if clients are to be given the best service.

Such tasks like a client telephone hotline, handling queries concerning loose-leaf, or technical support for authors using editorial services require sufficient staff and are timeconsuming.

We provide our clients with support through these efforts, from the setting up of a hotlineto the first or second level support available for authors. Our focus here is to relieve the stress on publishing staff as much as possible

over 1,200

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What can we do for you?

Elke Senz is happy to help. Give us a call, write to us, or arrange a call-back.

Elke Senz

 Bergerstraße 3-5, 86720 Nördlingen
 +49 9081 85-380
