Backlist digitisation

We’ve got the right process for you

With flowbacklist , books that are not available as editable data are digitized.

Our solution to this kind of problem is as simple as it is effective: printed books as the data carriers.

Not only can you say what you like on paper, but it is also readable at any time. The book is scanned, where its text is then turned into editable data and checked for errors through a number of proof-reading routines. This results in excellent data that is structured according to clients’ DTD and is issued in XML, making it media-neutral too. Now there is nothing to prevent any further uses such as for e-books, internet applications or APP content.

The administration of the process is just as important as its technical execution.

Since the backlist has to be created and managed, this exercise already begins at the publishers. Marketing, choosing a title, obtaining rights, quality control and watching deadlines: all areas work in the central control program flowbacklist. Data, as well as dates of production and release can be managed and documented in flowbacklist in a simple andlogical form. An online interface was developed where automatically generated messageshand individual tasks over to their relevant decision-makers and production teams; it is designed for easy operation and runs in the browser you are using. This component of flowbacklist makes it possible to manage a large number of books and control productionwith minimal effort.

Activate your own backlist to benefit your marketing strategy.

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over 700

Books annually


of books worth of experience

What can we do for you?

Wolfgang Klaß is happy to help. Give us a call, write to us, or arrange a call-back.

Wolfgang Klaß

 Bergerstraße 3-5, 86720 Nördlingen
 +49 9081 85-138
