
flowmags lets you experience a new form of automated trade journal production

flowmags is is an integrated, XML-based management and editing system for the automated production of trade journals.

The system is based on a web application that allows you to create your own trade journals almost at the push of a button. When word data is imported, it is immediately converted into coherent XML structure, thereby eliminating the lengthy process of conversion from different formats. All data is centrally organised in a database that is automatically backed up regularly. In addition to high data security, flowmags opens the way for variouspublication forms such as e-book, print or online.

The system uses a modular architecture, where necessary components such as PDF creation are attached through Services. This makes for an open and flexible system that is easily expanded.

One example of this is the linking of typesetting and publishing systems for the making of print PDFs. Not only is one system integrated here, but different formatting programmescan also be incorporated via the formatting service. Alongside APP (3B2), which is preferred for the formatting of XML content; InDesign, Word and FOP (as XML FO engine) are also currently used. Selection of the respective formatting service follows the file’s underlying format.

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Elke Senz is happy to help. Give us a call, write to us, or arrange a call-back.

Elke Senz

 Bergerstraße 3-5, 86720 Nördlingen
 +49 9081 85-380
