InDesign automation

We’ve got the right solution for you

InDesign is one of the standard tools used in publishing. Its widespread use is thanks not least to the flexibility it provides in automating functions. In this respect, many only consider the user interface as a means to formulate macros, but InDesign offers far greater possibilities.

The automated formatting of InDesign documents can be carried out through the server version. For example, the InDesign server can be configured to provide a standard SOAPweb service interface, and Javascript commands can also be sent via this interface, which can create or modify InDesign documents. Of course, with the server version it is also possible to issue outputs in various export formats (e.g., PDF).

Contact us
image image

Automated creation of

Front pages for


Magazine issues / year

Publications with


Pages through InDesign server

What can we do for you?

Wolfgang Klaß is happy to help. Give us a call, write to us, or arrange a call-back.

Wolfgang Klaß

 Bergerstraße 3-5, 86720 Nördlingen
 +49 9081 85-138
